Lauma Survilo
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How to overcome creative blocks?

Note: you don’t need to be a designer to have one. You can be an analyst trying to solve a problem.

Let’s start with a simple SELF AWARENESS.

Notice if you have been utterly busy/overloaded or rather empty/uninspired?

In life, there are continuous processes of complementing interactions. To put it simply, for example: give and get / breath in, breath out. Everything is in balance.

I’ve noticed that when there is too much going on, at work, in meetings, zoom calls, pitches, dealing with issues, chaos in the world and so on, body gets tired from all the overwhelming information. Also, you might be experiencing resistance towards certain situations, conversations or important duties you’d rather postpone.

For ideas to come, you need to get into flow state, that is free from resistance or blocks. Step aside and recalibrate.

Now, if ‘’OVERLOAD’’ is the case, breath out, learn to LET GO.

Anything that will help YOU to slow down, relax your body and release stress will do. One size does not fit all, find yours.

Some examples:
Have a bath with candles and some relaxing music.
Take a long shower, swim, take a day off for spa, drink enough fluids, allow that unexpected rain to refresh you. Have a walk by ocean or sea. Water will clear away the tension and negative energy.


Overload of information won’t help you either. Have you been reading too much news lately or endlessly scrolling social media? Maybe your day is filled with decision making and countless meetings/calls/notifications. 
A wise man once said, you have to select your thoughts the same way you select your food.
Put your phone on do not disturb, have a digital detox. Take a long walk.

Watch that comedy show, talk to your favorite human who makes you laugh.

Clean your house, free up space, donate that what is not needed, but can help others.
You will feel lighter and happier. Nevertheless, life has a way to bring new things to you, once the space is there.

This will help to slow down and clear the inner noise. Strengthen your center. Internet is full with know-how.

When we are free of worries and our minds are relaxed, ideas and solutions tend to come to us naturally. In fact, they are already there, but your busy mind can’t see it.

Now, if ‘’EMPTY’’ is the case, breath in, find new ways that will fulfill you.

Some examples:

Research, read, learn, listen to inspiring YouTube channels or podcasts, talk to people from field of interest. Let your instincts guide you towards the information you need.

2)      MOVE.
Get out of your office, or your couch, literally move, walk, dance, do yoga or sports. Increase your blood circulation, get that energy flowing!

It is important to understand that ideas come to people who are inspired. Get NEW experiences, feed your eyes and soul, take that 2-hour flight to visit new city, go for that weekend hike on new location. Do something different, plant a tree.

4)      CREATE, DRAW, COOK, PLAY MUSIC, MOVE FURNITURE IN YOUR HOUSE, sing or color a book with your kid. Anything that will add to state of creation. Take a look from a different point of view. Test yourself and listen, what you need is already there.

Author: Lauma Survilo


Lauma Survilo