Lauma Survilo

Fratelli Gatta

Logo, web (e-commerce), packaging and identity design for Azienda agricola Fratelli Gatta - An old fashioned fruit company with 4 generations of experience based in Sicily, Etna region.

Idea was to design a Sicilian fruit Goddess inspired by “teste di moro” and create a perfect balance between tradition, old fashioned and modern.

lauma survilo x fratelli gatta web mockup-17.jpg
web design fratelli gatta by lauma survilo. about us150.jpg
web design fratelli gatta by lauma survilo. shop150.jpg
web design fratelli gatta by lauma survilo. contacts150.jpg
fratelli gatta by lauma survilo. IG-19.jpg
fratelli gatta by lauma survilo.jpg
Lauma survilo x fratelli gatta. business cards-14.jpg